Gambling, the Wire Act and Online Poker

Did you know that in the United States, there is an implemented Wire Act that convicts people who operate gambling houses, particularly online gambling sites?

Yes, it is true.

But a lot of people argue whether online poke games are covered by the controversial Wire Act. The US Justice Department has this general interpretation of the anti-gambling bill.

The Wire Act, based on the February 21, 2001 ruling by Judge Stanwood Duval of the New Orleans’ US District Court against a certain Jay Chen: “Online casinos and online poker rooms are covered under the aimed-at-sports betting bill. But in plain language, the Wire Act doe not prevent online gambling ‘on a game of chance.’”

Online poker and US states

Currently, each state in the country has its own rulings and regulations regarding the very popular online poker.

Since the online poker is another game of chance, experts and lwa interpreters treat it just like online casinos should be treated.

In the US, how can such playful and amusing recreations be illegal? You will have to revert to the subtitle. Each US state has its own regulations regarding online pokers.

For example, the New York prosecutor’s office is very particular against online poker operators. Meaning, online poker players are absolved from any legal actions. The contrary applies to online poker operators. If they are cracked down, they can automatically face charges.

How can a country so free like the US resort to this?

The answer is very simple. It is because the Federal Government, and each state government is very anxious to protect its people.

You know that online gambling can be more anomalous than traditional ones. Why? Because unscrupulous people and techies have the advantage to play over you or cheat on you during online poker games.

The government wants to protect you from them. Of course in one point of your life, you have met people who were reduced to mendicants or beggars because they lost their possessions to games. In online gambling, it is assumed that such risks are greater.

Online poker as recreation

Still, the popularity of online poker should never be undermined. It is not advisable to be hooked on it, but it is also not advisable to deprive yourself if you feel like playing it.

As long as you know how to play, and you know of reliable and credible online poker card rooms, then go for it.

Gambling and games of chances are just like that. The probability of winning is just as great or as little as the probability of losing. Playing online poker could make you lose some money if you bet too much, but it can also make you a little richer.

Determine and know the regulations implemented within your state before going on and registering in an online poker card room. You know that merely playing online poker can never be a crime, but you must know the regulations so you will know how to legally defend yourself in case.

Landmark ruling

Before ending the article it is interesting to note a World Trade Organization ruling in November 2004. During the time, the Antigua and Barbuda island nation in the Caribbean complained against the United States legislation against online betting and gambling. The island nation claimed that online betting does not violate global laws. <br><br>

The World Trade Organization backed Antigua and Barbuda’s claim. The body said the US should only rule within its territories and should not extend to implement anti-online gambling enforcements to other countries.

Legal experts in the US advise that as long as online poker player or players in the country does or do not own stakes in house rakes or online poker operations or businesses, they should not worry about the law.

As long as online players obey and abide by state laws, as long as online poker players online bet and wager against each other in card room, as long as online poker players participate and progress in their online poker skills, as long as online poker players have fun and do not compromise rights of others….you be your own judge and draw your conclusions by yourself.

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